This is sort of a silly article on credit cards. The writer imagines a mailbox credit card offer that trys to get the reader/customer excited about ruining their credit rating.
Like I said, sort of silly, but I got a chuckle or two.
The amount of credit cards offered through the mail, on t.v., the radio and magazines is astounding. They offer no fees, 0% APR, frequently flyer miles, education funds etc. etc.
They all offer you the best credit card on the planet. You have to have your financing, accountant, and lawyer's cap on to wade through all the terms and conditions of each and every card offering.
The most realistic credit card offer should sound something like this:
"Hello friend! Would you be interested in having a little plastic card that will allow you to pay compounding interest. We are offering the highest interest rate to date at a grand 35% interest rate compounded daily. We charge 20% APR and and a $100 annual fee.
We have offered this amazing credit card to millions of financially ruined Americans. Well - if they weren't financially ruined before we will be sure to leave them financially ruined.
After you can no longer make the payments on your house, car and your children's education we will come and offer to take some equity out of your house"
Wow...sign me up! Sounds promising right. That is a card offer I don't want thanks very much. It sounds ridiculous I know but in some ways it is accurate.
I would be very wary of offers in the mailbox that read "you have been approved and you just won a ham". Any creditor that uses these kinds of marketing tactics is one you should look close at before running off to the mailbox with their easy to fill out, pre-application form.
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